(May 14, 2024) – Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) has invested $495,000 into soybean breeding research working to develop soybeans adapted to a short-season environment.

As part of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (S-CAP) AgriScience Program – Canadian Field Crop Research Alliance (CFCRA) Cropping Systems Cluster, SPG will leverage grower levy dollar investment with over $2.2 million of Government and other industry partner funding.

SPG invested in a soybean breeding project led by Dr. Elroy Cober, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Ottawa. This project will aim to develop early maturing varieties that are well-adapted, high-yielding, and have improved nitrogen fixation. The improved new varieties will work towards increasing yield and protein content, as well as improvements to abiotic stress tolerance which will support expansion of soybean acres in Western Canada.

“SPG would like to recognize Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for their continued investment into soybean research,” says Winston van Staveren, SPG Board Chair and Creelman-area pulse farmer. “Soybean varieties that are better adapted to Saskatchewan with a shorter season and higher yield will help growers remain economically competitive.”

The total value of research included under the five-year CFCRA Cluster is $10.5 million, with $5.7 million funding from the government, and $4.8 million coming from industry funders.

The CFCRA is a not-for-profit entity founded in 2010 with an interest in advancing the economic and environmental sustainability of field crops in Canada, particularly soybean, corn, wheat, barley, and oat. The CFCRA is comprised of provincial producer organizations and industry partners, including Atlantic Grains Council; Producteurs de grains du Québec; Grain Farmers of Ontario; Manitoba Crop Alliance; Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers; Saskatchewan Pulse Growers; Prairie Oat Growers Association; SeCan; and FP Genetics.

Accountable to and funded by growers, SPG’s strategic direction is guided by a nine-member, grower-elected Board of Directors. SPG’s mission is to provide leadership for profitable growth for Saskatchewan pulses.