APROSMAT leads Brazilian delegation at ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention.

Orlando, FL (December 12, 2023) - The Association of Seed Producers of Mato Grosso (APROSMAT) led a mission composed of directors, associates, and their technicians, political agents, and stakeholders.

They participated in the 2023 edition of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) Field Crop Seed Convention in Orlando, FL, from December 5 to 8. The event is considered the largest seed industry conference in America.

The president of APROSMAT, Nelson Croda, was at the head of the group on the technical trip and highlighted the strength of Brazilian agriculture within one of the most important events focused on the global seed sector. Croda stressed the importance of national agriculture, mentioning that among the lectures, an economist emphasized this role on the world stage.

"The leading role of Brazilian agriculture is evidenced by the degree of priority given by the major global players in the seed sector to Brazil. This is reflected in simultaneous technology launches, such as biotechnologies, in Brazil and the United States," he emphasized.

He also noted that U.S. farmers are paying attention to what happens in Brazil, especially in relation to acreage, climate and productivity, influencing their planting decisions.

Prior to the ASTA event, part of the delegation participated in meetings on Dec. 4 in St. Louis, MO with the American Soybean Association (ASA), which represents U.S. soybean farmers on domestic and international policy issues.

They then met with the United Soybean Board (USB), the U.S. farmers' soybean fund, to increase return on investment for all U.S. soybean farmers. The delegation also visited Bayer, where they toured the laboratories, and the program included presentations on Soy Pipeline/Strategy and the Carbon and Sustainability Program.

The mission was attended by the president of the Parliamentary Front for Agriculture, federal deputy Pedro Lupion (PP-PR), federal deputy Alceu Moreira (MDB-RS), the special advisor of MAPA and vice president of Large Crops of APROSMAT, Carlos Ernesto Augustin, state deputy Carlos Avallone (PSDB MT), assistant secretary of the Secretariat of Economic Development of the State of Mato Grosso (Sedec MT), Anderson Lombardi, vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings (Abrasem), Paulo Pinto, as well as associates and directors of APROSMAT.