Brussels, Belgium (April 3, 2023) - According to Euroseeds Secretary General Garlich von Essen, Euroseeds invites their members, colleagues from the international seed family, and friends to the Euroseeds 2023 Congress, to be held on the beautiful island of Malta and in the city of St. Julians.

Starting with their Welcome Evening on October 15 and then followed by three intensive days of exhibition, trade, Section meetings, and side events from October 16-18, they are confident to once again present a top-class environment and program for business exchanges and a comprehensive seed policy update.

At the time of this congress in October, discussions about the EU’s new variety registration and seed marketing legislation as well as on new rules for advanced breeding methods such as the famous CRISPR technology will be in full swing at the European Parliament and between EU Member States.

Both will be decisive for the future of the seed sector in Europe; but also for all of you doing business WITH Europe.

Don’t miss this opportunity for a real-time policy briefing by experts and high-level discussions with decision-makers on these and many other key subjects for our industry–from research to innovation, from intellectual property protection to sustainable seed technologies, and, of course, on communication and advocacy for our industry.

What is it that we can do to win over minds and hearts of politicians, regulators, value chain partners and interested public in those debates?

How can we be better heard and be better understood by media and citizens in times of information overload on the one hand and so much fake news about our sector and about agriculture on the other?

These and many other questions we look forward to discuss with you, from October 15-18, in St. Julians on Malta.

And make sure to bring your sunglasses and enjoy the mild fall climate of Malta – and some extra time to explore the rich history and cultural heritage of this beautiful, most Southern part of Europe!

Registrations are open as of April 3, and all the information regarding the registrations fees, program, venue and much more can be found on the Euroseeds Congress website.

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