Oceanside, CA (February 27, 2023) - According to Pacific Seed Association (PSA) President Grant Baglietto, those that joined the group Feb. 12-15 participated in and enjoyed the beautiful weather at the 97th Annual Pacific Seed Association Convention, which was held at The Seabird Resort & Spa in Oceanside, CA.
On behalf of the PSA Board of Directors, Baglietto says he would like to thank each and every one who contributed to the success of this convention. The sponsors are the key to the success of the convention and PSA appreciates their support of the association and its activities.
President Nicole Hostert along with Chair Katy Soden led an outstanding program of events. From the industry speakers, educational speakers, the walking food tour and golf to the wonderful nights of socializing to the final dinner and the amazing singing talents of our members for our PSA night of Karaoke, Baglietto says. He adds our appreciation to golf chair Mike Ingham for another successful day on the links.
The presentations at the sessions were informative and timely on issues facing the industry such as Succession Planning, the 10,000 Foot Level Overview and Education for Career Management Solutions, transportation as well as internal and external communications.
Baglietto says they were fortunate to have a line-up of top-notch speakers including Joseph Strazzeri, Esq., from the Law Firm of Strazzeri Mancini LLP; Shawn Brook, President of Seed World; Andrew Hwang, Port of Oakland; Dan Johnson, Laufer Group International; and Paul Minehart, North America Syngenta Crop Protection LLC.
Annual meeting. The PSA Past Presidents enjoyed a delicious breakfast while they brainstormed about ideas to put into place to ensure the success and the future endeavors of PSA moving forward. The PSA Annual Meeting of the Association provided an overlook of this year’s activities and a sound financial report of the state of the Association. Reports were provided the Communications & PSA Cares chair, Mindy Duerst; Legislative, Technology & Research chair, Sam Cable, ASTA report by Crystal Fricker; Turf Seed by Bill Merrigan; Alfalfa report by Chuck Deatherage, Field Seed by McKayla Fricker, Membership by Kathy Hutton; Native by Mike Ingham; and the scholarship award announcement by Nicole Hostert.
Scholarships. This year’s scholarship winners included: Lisa Branco, University of Phoenix; Audrey Kruse, University of Wisconsin; Bailey Scheuber, California Polytechnic State University, SLO; Luis Martinez, California Polytechnic State University, SLO; and Jacob Meeuwsen, Washington State University.
Leadership. The nominating committee presented their new slate of officers and directors and the membership voted to approve the following slate of officers and directors for 2023. Baglietto says they would like to thank the following individuals for their time and service to the association and notice the newly elected officers and directors. They look forward to the upcoming year in the life of the association.
- PRESIDENT - Grant Baglietto - Baglietto Seeds, Stockton, CA
- 1ST VICE PRESIDENT – Dean Browning, Seeds, Inc., Tekoa, WA
- 2ND VICE PRESIDENT - Karen Krych – Clearwater Seed, Spokane, WA
- PAST PRESIDENT - Nicole Hostert - California Crop Improvement Association, Davis, CA
- McKayla Fricker – Pure Seed, Canby, OR
- Rachel Hankins – Barenbrug USA, Tangent, OR
- Freya Jensen – Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions, Pasco, WA
Continuing on for the 2nd year of term (Bill Merrigan, Michael Rascon and Annelisa Zander).
At the Annual PSA Banquet retiring President, Nicole Hostert was thanked and honored with a plaque.
Person of the Year. Hostert also had the privilege of announcing the 2022 Person of the Year award.
This year’s honor was bestowed on Bill Merrigan, Blue Mt. Seeds for his dedication and support to the PSA.
Merrigan went to school at the University of Idaho. He started his career at Grassland West as an agronomist working with growers in the field. After that he moved to the Willamette Valley, also as an agronomist, and then took the manager’s job at Blue Mountain.
He has been at Blue Mountain for over 20 years. Merrigan has been involved with the production of seed for many grass species over the years. There isn’t a grass seed species grown in the Pacific Northwest which Merrigan hasn’t produced (wheatgrasses, bluegrasses, orchardgrasses, bromes, fescues, per ryegrasses, probably more).
Today Blue Mountain produces a high percentage of the proprietary bluegrasses in the United States. He has a vast knowledge of the seed industry worldwide.
Because of his agronomy knowledge/experience, his industry contacts and his large grower base, Merrigan plays a huge role in bringing seed products to the end-user.
He is married to wife Stacey and has two grown children. He has been active in several Oregon seed associations and this is his second time serving on the PSA board.
Notes. Baglietto wants to extend a heart-felt thank you to the PSA sponsors for their commitment to making this event so successful. It was the vision of the Planning Committee to inform, entertain, and provide a networking forum for their members in a pleasant, comfortable environment. He says your generous contribution helped make our vision a reality by helping to offset the cost of holding the Convention in a wonderful place like Oceanside, CA.
PSA sincerely thanks our sponsors for supporting our mission and making the Annual Convention possible.