This corn seed is not treated with fungicide or insecticide. The seed is colored to show it is only intended for planting – not for food or feed use. The purple corn seeds mixed in with the red corn seeds are called “refuge” seeds. These seeds do not have the Bt (Bacillis Thuringiensis) insecticide trait, which helps ensure insects won’t develop resistance to the trait. (Credit: Rachel Schutte)
Protecting seeds: The what, why, and how of seed treatments
(March 25, 2021) – Scientists have made many innovations to protect our seed supply. Seed treatments provide tailored products that are safe for seeds, safe for people and safe for the environment. This Sustainable, Secure Food blog explores seed treatments and why they’re important. The blog post is part of the 2021 Seed Week celebration, organized by the Crop Science Society of America.
Blogger Keri Carstens explains the what, why, and how of seed treatments:
- What are seed treatments? Seed treatments include “recipes” and each ingredient has a specific role in protecting the seed from a certain vulnerability or direct attack. Others maximize the health and vigor of the seedling as it is developing. Treated seeds come in many colors: bright pink, brilliant green or blue, or even vibrant purple. These are all purposefully unnatural colors to help buyers know that treatments are on the seeds.
- Why do we use seed treatments? The short answer is for many reasons. In the end, it is about maximizing and protecting the yield potential of the seed. By coating seeds with insecticides that protect against wireworm or seed corn maggots, for example, farmers can reduce the risk of crop loss from these pests.
- How are seed suppliers working to innovate and steward treated seeds? It is essential that everyone who treats, handles, transports, and plants treated seeds manages them properly and in accordance with label instructions. Seed suppliers work together through the American Seed Trade Association to follow and enhance best practices.
To learn more about seed treatments, read the entire blog.
About us: This blog is sponsored and written by members of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA) and Crop Science Society of America(CSSA). Our members are researchers and trained, certified professionals in the areas of growing our world's food supply while protecting our environment. They work at universities, government research facilities, and private businesses across the U.S. and around the world. Learn more about crop science and agronomy, then follow us on Twitter (@ASA_CSSA_SSSA), Instagram (@sustainablefoodsupply), and Facebook (@ASA.agronomy and @CSSA.crops).
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