Alexandria, VA (November 23, 2020) — Hear from the seed industry's largest companies, each presenting their company's perspective on what lies ahead for the seed industry after a year of global upheaval, at the "Majors' Crystal Ball" session, Monday, Dec. 7 during ASTA’s CSS & Seed Expo Virtual.

On Tuesday, Dec. 8, ag economist Dan Basse of AgResource is back with his annual review and forecast of global agricultural economic markets. This year's presentation will undoubtedly be one of the biggest stories, amid the global coronavirus pandemic and the recent elections.

ASTA CSS & Seed Expo Virtual, Dec. 7-9, offers a unique opportunity to include more seed industry professionals, and perspectives, than ever before, in a highly interactive virtual platform. In addition to our core general sessions, the conference includes a number of other opportunities to get an inside look at what's new in the seed industry. Be sure to check out:

  • Seed to Spoon-Understanding Premium Markets: This session will explore the ways the market is changing toward decommodification and sustainable production, processing, and preparation driven by consumer preference. Learn how the downstream supply chain is changing, and where seed companies might participate in premium portions of the market.
  • Seed Expo: The Seed Expo offers an inside look at the latest industry innovations and features over 85 companies. Special educational opportunities on the show floor include: the Ag Tech Innovations Showcase, Seed Lab Tour, and Seed Treatment Educational Tour.
  • And much more! Other key sessions will cover topics from gene editing to hybrid wheat and soybean quality.

ASTA Unveils The First Sneak Peek Of The CSS & Seed Expo Virtual Venue

Alexandria, VA (November 12, 2020) - On Tuesday, November 10, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) held a sneak preview event to unveil a guided tour of the new CSS & Seed Expo virtual conference.

“It was so exciting to finally be able to share some of the event environment with our members, after months of planning,” says Jennifer Crouse, ASTA’s Senior Director of Meetings. “It’s still under construction now, and we haven’t revealed everything just yet, but this at least shows the members the powerful platform we’ve created, which re-creates a lot of the same value proposition of the live event, including face-to-face business networking and private company meeting rooms.”

The CSS & Seed Expo Virtual event will be held December 7-9, with business to business appointment setting available between registrants available from November 30 to December 18.

Offering registration rates at an 80% discount over the usual live event rates, there’s never been a better time to attend the CSS & Seed Expo. Register today.

What’s In Store For Global Agriculture Markets In 2021? Find Out Exclusively At ASTA’s CSS & Seed Expo Virtual

Dan Basse

Alexandria, VA (November 2, 2020) — The American Seed Trade Association's (ASTA) CSS & Seed Expo Virtual, Dec. 7-9, 2020, brings back their most popular speaker, Dan Basse of AgResource, with his exclusive annual review and forecast for global agricultural economic markets for 2021.

Basse's presentation is scheduled for 10:30-11:30 a.m. CT Tuesday, Dec. 8.


In the second can’t-miss General Session, "The Majors’ Crystal Ball," attendees will hear from a panel of speakers from the seed industry's largest companies, each presenting their company's perspective on what lies ahead for the seed industry after a year of global upheaval.

That session is scheduled 10:30 a.m.-noon CT Monday, Dec. 7.

Registration For Appointments Underway and Pre-Show Events Have Kicked Off For ASTA's CSS & Seed Expo Virtual

Alexandria, VA (October 28, 2020) - Don’t wait to register for ASTA’s CSS & Seed Expo Virtual event.

Appointment setting between attendees is now underway, with dates beginning in late November, and a series of events for conference registrants kicks off Oct. 28 and continues all the way through mid-January.

Registration is $99 for members and $199 for non-members.

Register today to access:

  • ASTA Attendee List Access – with personalized match-making recommendations just enabled.
  • October 28: Pre-Show Virtual Connections Happy Hour for all registrants – including “bring your pet” and a “best pet costume” or “best mask” – with prizes.
  • November 3-4: ASTA Farm and Lawn Seed Conference free online sessions (separate registration required)
  • November 10: CSS & Seed Expo Virtual Sneak Preview and walkthrough
  • November 17: ASTA Sorghum Session
  • November 19: Women in Seed Session and Online Reception
  • December 7-9: CSS & Seed Expo Virtual event with a full session series, over 80 virtual exhibitors, and business to business networking appointments and private meeting rooms. Don’t miss the virtual Big Bar and Round Table Discussions area for impromptu visits and conversations.
  • December 11: NEW! Seed Association of the Americas Open Meeting
  • December 15: Hemp Seed Production at Year 1
  • December 16: Agronomy Session, co-hosted by ASTA and the Tri-Societies
  • January sessions include: Innovation and Policy, Intellectual Property Rights, Phytosanitary Session, State Government Affairs, Communications, and Seed Treatment.

For more information, including the full line-up of events, visit the conference webpage.

ASTA's CSS & Seed Expo Virtual To Offer Bonus Sessions and Sneak Preview Events Starting October 28

Alexandria, VA (October 14, 2020) - A series of new Bonus Sessions has been added to the American Seed Trade Association's (ASTA) CSS & Seed Expo Virtual agenda, included free with registration, for additional pre- and post-conference sessions.

For example: a special November Sorghum Session “Hemp Seed at Year 1" and additional sessions on agronomy, phytosanitary concerns, plant breeding innovation and policy, and organic seed issues.

At just $99 for members, and including a full agenda from December 7-9, ASTA says it’s the lowest price and best value of any CSS & Seed Expo in its history.

Opportunities for virtual booths are approaching the final registration deadline of October 30. Contact Jennifer Crouse for your last chance to reserve one.

Be sure to register today to take advantage of fun and informative pre-show events this Fall.

Registrants will have access to a special happy hour networking event on October 28. An official Sneak Preview of the CSS & Seed Expo, on November 10, offers a full orientation and first “peeks” at the virtual show with instructions on how to maximize the business networking and education.

Visit the conference website for full details.

ASTA's CSS & Seed Expo Virtual Scheduled For December 7-9

Alexandria, VA (October 1, 2020) — Don’t miss the largest seed conference in the nation! ASTA’s CSS & Seed Expo Virtual, Dec. 7-9, 2020, offers a unique opportunity to include more seed industry professionals, and perspectives, than ever before, in a highly interactive virtual platform.

ASTA is anticipating the biggest audience ever in the show’s more than 70-year history.

Critical sessions and educational opportunities include:

  • Opening General Session - The Majors’ Crystal Ball: Continuing our general session series from 2018 and 2019, this third installment will feature a panel of speakers from our industry's largest companies, each presenting their company's perspective on what lies ahead for the seed industry after a year of global upheaval.
  • General Session - Dan Basse’s Agricultural Economy Outlook for 2021: ASTA's most popular speaker, Dan Basse of AgResource, will share his annual review and forecast of global agricultural economic markets. This year's presentation will undoubtedly be one of the biggest stories, amid the global coronavirus pandemic and the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.
  • Seed to Spoon - Understanding Premium Markets: This session will explore the ways the market is changing toward decommodification and sustainable production, processing, and preparation driven by consumer preference. Learn how the downstream supply chain is changing, and where seed companies might participate in premium portions of the market.
  • Seed Expo: The Seed Expo offers an inside look at the latest industry innovations and features over 70 companies. Special educational opportunities on the show floor include: the Ag Tech Innovations Showcase, Seed Lab Tour and Seed Treatment Educational Tour.
  • And much more: Other key sessions will cover topics from gene editing to hybrid wheat and soybean quality.

Visit the CSS & Seed Expo website for the full schedule of events.

Founded in 1883, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) represents over 700 companies involved in seed production, plant breeding and related industries in North America. ASTA is the leading voice of action in all matters concerning the development, marketing and movement of seed, associated products and services throughout the world. The association's broad membership offers varieties from alfalfa to zucchini and all production types including conventional, organic and biotech. ASTA promotes the development of better seed to produce better crops for a better quality of life.

Registration Now Open For ASTA's CSS & Seed Expo Virtual

Alexandria, VA (September 2, 2020) - Registration is now open for ASTA's CSS & Seed Expo Virtual.

Register by Sept. 30 for "First Access," including deeper discounts and the ASTA attendee roster.

According to ASTA, the seed industry is ready to come together after a challenging year. We may not be able to do it in person, but there's no question that the seed industry runs on the connections we make each year at America's largest seed industry conference. This year will be bigger than ever, with the virtual format breaking down all previous barriers to participation that will allow a broader, newer, and much larger audience than we've ever seen.

Q. What will it be like?

A. 2020 has seen a long list of virtual events. Some have been outstanding, while others were barely tolerable. What makes the CSS & Seed Expo Virtual different is the way it has been custom built for the seed industry. This is not a series of Zoom webinars. This is not an intimidating technology hurdle to overcome. Instead, ASTA has built the CSS & Seed Expo Virtual to be an intuitive, easy-to-use platform with an extended life span, offering in about three clicks the opportunity to view, search, and easily schedule appointments with other attendees. We've built in multiple engagement opportunities, on video, so that you can still visit the Big Bar and bump into people you haven't seen in a while to catch up. The virtual Seed Expo will feature product demonstrations, specialized tour events like the Ag Tech Innovations Showcase, and fun games and great prizes - allowing our exhibitors to show you much more about their products and services than what they ever could've shipped to Chicago. And yes - the sessions will be more important for you to attend than ever, as we hear from the industry's largest players in our "Majors' Crystal Ball" general session as well as Dan Basse's ever-popular global economic forecast for 2021. All this is offered in a streamlined schedule, from December 7-9 that you can quickly and easily access from your own home.

Q. What will it cost?

A. ASTA is offering an 80% discount over the regular pricing at our in-person conference. We want to build the largest-ever CSS audience this year to maximize the networking for everyone. "First Access" registration, prior to September 15, will be an even deeper discount - just $75 for members/$150 for non-members, which will also include a copy of the traditional printed ASTA Attendee Roster booklet, for our U.S. registrants.

Q. Why should I use the ASTA event to schedule appointments instead of just scheduling my own?

A. In a word, audience. You certainly could schedule your own appointments with people you already know. But as we said, this year's audience will be breaking every attendance record for this event, AND we will be match-making you to other attendees and exhibitors based on your personal needs/preferences, to help connect you to the new people you never knew you wanted to meet. New business connections will be handed right to you - and if your company wants to use our platform for events much longer than December 7-9 - it's available right away for scheduling. What's more, your company can even setup a virtual private company meeting room, branded with your logo, your video, your sense of arrival - and even link it to your own preferred meeting link if you want to. Why sift through all of your contact lists, spend hours parsing through data, when you can instead search and set up your whole list of meetings in a few clicks?

ASTA is so excited to bring you the biggest CSS & Seed Expo ever this year. But more than anything, we look forward to seeing you. Stay tuned for several upcoming special events, offering you chances to not just see a list of who's registered, but see them and talk to them too. The sooner you're registered, the sooner you'll be seeing these chances to get back together again.

More information is available about registration.

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