OTTAWA, ON (August 27, 2020) - The Seed Synergy partners released the following statement Thursday after the Canadian Seed Growers' Association Special General Meeting of Members.

Over the last six weeks, members of five Canadian seed organizations have voted on an amalgamation proposal to become one new national seed organization, Seeds Canada. One organization, the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association, did not vote in favor.

This result is disappointing, and the boards of each participating organization will now consider how to move forward.

The five organizations are the Canadian Plant Technology Agency (CPTA); the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada (CSAAC); the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA); the Canadian Seed Institute (CSI); and the Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA).

Over the past five years, these groups have worked together on a vision to create the next generation seed system in Canada.

Without a unanimous decision, the boards of each organization will reconvene to determine the next steps. An update on this matter is anticipated by the middle of September.

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