Kansas City, MO (June 14, 2019) - The keynote speakers were announced Friday for the 31st Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA) Annual Conference to be held January 13-15, 2020 at the Kansas City Downtown Marriott, Kansas City, MO.

Kelly McDonald

Kelly McDonald is considered one of the nation’s top experts in marketing, customer service, and consumer trends. She is the founder of McDonald Marketing, which has twice been named one of the “Top Ad Agencies in the U.S.” by Advertising Age magazine.

She has been featured on CNBC, in Forbes, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Fast Company, on CNNMoney.com and more.

She is the author of three bestselling books, all of which were among the top 10 business books in the year they were published.

J.P. Pawliw-Fry

An internationally renowned thought leader on the subject of leadership, performance, and managing under pressure, J.P. Pawliw-Fry is one of the highest rated lecturers at the prestigious Kellogg School of Management's Executive Education Program.

J.P.'s training includes Harvard Medical School's Mind/Body Medical Institute. Every year, J.P. speaks with individuals and leaders on over five continents, helping them to improve their overall performance. He is an expert in performing wonderfully under pressure and is one of the world's most highly sought-after keynote speakers on the topic.

Charlie Stenholm

Former Congressman Charlie Stenholm is a Senior Policy Advisor at OFW Law.

Born in Stamford, TX, Stenholm went on to serve the 32-county, 17th District of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. Stenholm was a member of the House Committee on Agriculture throughout his 26-year House career.

Currently, Stenholm serves as Co-Chair of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and on the Boards of Directors of the Concord Coalition and the Business and Industry Political Action Committee. He is also a member of the Farm Foundation Round Table and the 25x25 Steering Committee.

Barry Flinchbaugh

Barry Flinchbaugh has been a top advisor to politicians of both political parties including Secretaries of Agriculture and Chairs of both the House and Senate Ag committees. He has been involved with farm bills from 1968-2018.

Flinchbaugh is a prominent Professor of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University. He has taught ag policy to approximately 4,100 students.

Flinchbaugh holds a BS degree in Animal Science and a MS in Agricultural Economics from Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in Agricultural economics from Purdue University.