Brett Sciotto, Aimpoint Research
Alexandria, VA (April 5, 2019) - What does the Farmer of 2040 look like? Find out at the American Seed Trade Association's (ASTA) PLDC in Denver, CO.
ASTA's Policy & Leadership Development Conference (PLDC) is already reaching "New Frontiers" with the announcement of its keynote speaker.
The keynote speaker will be Brett Sciotto - the strategic research CEO who recently conducted a special study, with funding by major industry companies, in order to get a glimpse into the future with a report on "The Farmer of 2040."
Don't miss this game-changing presentation at PLDC this June 15-19 in Denver. Lots of new program information is being added daily to the schedule, including sessions on ag tech innovations, global trade, industrial hemp, and much more.
Check out our new resource of why someone like you should attend and be sure to register today - only 7 weeks remain for early-bird registration.