Alexandria, VA (February 21, 2019) - The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is the recipient of a $1,375,000 award from USDA’s new Agricultural Trade Promotion program to help mitigate the impact the current tariffs on seed from China are having on U.S. companies’ vegetable, flower, and forage seed production in China.
Half of the funding will be used over the next two to three years to identify and improve production environments in three alternative countries — Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. The other half will go to improving the policy environment in Europe for plant breeding innovation.
Please email Abigail Struxness if you’re impacted by the tariffs and are interested in engaging in these efforts. If an agreement between the U.S. and China is not reached by March 1, tariffs on 23 categories of seeds for planting will increase from 10% to 25%.
ASTA Receives 2019 Market Access Program and Foreign Market Development Program Funding
As a USDA cooperator, ASTA receives funding from the department’s Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development program (FMD). The passage of the Farm Bill in December secured funding for these programs for the next five years.
These funds enable U.S. participation at international organizations such as the International Seed Federation, OECD Seed Schemes, International Treaty discussions, international phytosanitary organizations, and regional seed associations.
ASTA also uses the funds to promote new market development and reduce barriers to the movement of seed in key markets.
For more information or questions, email Abigail Struxness.