Johnston, IA (June 3, 2024) - While spring moisture has helped alleviate widespread drought in many areas, too much rain, especially over an extended period, can create issues early in the season. A wet spring can lead to delayed or rushed planting, flooded fields, or increased pest and disease pressure, resulting in inadequate stands and requiring replants in severe instances.

Additionally, planting into or working wet soils can cause a number of issues, including uneven crop emergence. Smearing of the seed furrow sidewall, sidewall compaction and a seed trench that does not close are common when planting into fields that are too wet.

Compacted soil restricts corn and soybean root systems and reduces the plant’s ability to uptake water and nutrients, which can lead to pests and diseases that lower yield potential.

When corn planting is delayed, growth and development is also delayed. This can make the crop vulnerable to yield loss from diseases and insects that affect the crop at earlier stages of development relative to grain fill. Likewise with soybeans, pests (maggots, wireworms and white grub) and diseases (Pythium and Phytophthora) can reduce stands early in the season.

Proper stand evaluation is important because crop injury can range from minor to severe enough to require replanting

“When making replant decisions, the key is to be as accurate as possible,” said Carl Joern, Pioneer Field Agronomist. “With the technology available to us today, we can survey whole fields quickly and efficiently utilizing drones and digital scouting.”

After a plant stand has been assessed, it is important to consider other factors:

  • Is the stand consistent or are large gaps present?
  • Will the stand have adequate crop canopy to assist with weed control and irrigation efficiencies?
  • Will replanting provide an economic gain?
  • Are the remaining plants healthy and relatively equal in maturity?

Often, only parts of fields will require replants. Low spots that experience frequent flooding are common areas in need of replants. Hail from spring storms may also be impact crops.